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By-Laws (The “Original” By-Laws)

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  4. By-Laws (The “Original” By-Laws)

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The name of this organization will be the Community House of the Northern Hills Subdivision Unit One.


The object of this organization is to unite the home owners for mutual interest and general welfare of the community.


Section 1.

The policies are to be non-partisan and non-profit.

Section 2.

The Community House facilities may be used by property owners in good standing. Non-owners who are residents can rent the Community House provided the owner of the occupied rental unit or other owner takes responsibility to insure cleanup, etc. is done after event is completed and that the current rental rate is paid. Facilities will not be used for any business related function except as approved by
the executive committee.


Section 1.

Any person who purchases one or more lots in the subdivision shall be considered to he a member ns each lot carries a membership in its sale price.

Section 2.

Persons living in the subdivision who are renting may become associate, non-voting members upon application to and approval of the Executive Board.

Section 3.

Only those members whose dues are currently paid up (through the previous month) will be qualified to vote on subdivision matters. Each lot owner shall have one vote for each lot owned. The vote may be split between the joint owners of an individual lot.


Section 1.

To meet the maintenance costs of the Community House, street lights and public grounds of the subdivision, members will be assessed monthly dues on each lot owned. The amount of the dues will be established by the members consistent with current and anticipated expenses and provide a reserve for those expenses which may not be clearly anticipated.

Section 2.

All dues will be paid monthly or in advance quarterly, semi-annually or annually.


Section 1

An annual budget for the succeeding year will be prepared and presented to the members at the ran meeting for approval prior to the expenditure of available funds.

Section 2.

No expenditure over $25.00 (twenty-five dollars) will be made without the approval of the Executive Board unless it is included as a part of the approved annual budget.

Section 3.

Unbudgeted expenditures in excess of $500.00 (five hundred dollars) will be presented to the membership for approval before any funds are committed.

Section 4. 

Records of the subdivision funds shall be audited annually immediately after the election of officers. An Audit Committee consisting of three (3) members in good standing shall be appointed by the incoming President.

Section 5.

The Secretary/ Treasurer shall sign all checks. In the event the Secretary/Treasurer is unable to perform this duty, the President shall be authorized to sign checks.


Section 1

The General Meetings will be held four (4) times per year. Written notice will be provided to members two (2) weeks prior to meeting.

Section 2.

Executive Board meetings will be held prior to each General Meeting.

Section 3.

Special Meetings shall be called by the President

Section 4. 

Representation of eleven (11) voting, qualified lot owners will constitute a quorum at General Meetings.


Section 1.

A nominating Committee of at least three (3) persons shall be appointed by the President at the Fall meeting of each year. Nominations will be accepted from the floor during the election meeting which shall be at the first meeting of the New Year.

Section 2.

Election will be by secret ballot unless there is only one nominee for each office and then the vote may be a voice vote.

Section 3.

Election shall be by a simple majority of the voting members present at the first meeting of the New Year. 

Section 4. 

Two (2) tellers shall be appointed by the President.


Section 1.

The elected officers of the organization shall consist of a President and a Secretary/Treasurer. The term of these elected officers shall be one year with the privilege of re-election.

Section 2.

An Executive Committee for the organization shall consist of the Elected Officers and such Committee Chairs (e.g., Nominating Committee, Social Committee, and Maintenance Committee) as are appointed by the President.

Section 3.

The Executive Board shall be the managing body of the detailed business of the subdivision.